In the sports circle, taking steroid drugs is quite popular and relevant in the UK now. And even if you have made a final choice and made a decision about taking this or that drug, there are still a number of problems that are important and need to be addressed.
We are talking about the correct injection of injections into the body. It is no secret that most courses one way or another include injection medications. They, unlike oral (tablet), require special “care”.
And today we will try to answer all the interesting questions in detail: “How to inject steroids?”
So, if we have decided to buy cypionate 250, we will proceed to the choice of the main instrument of our work – a syringe. The unwritten rule should be to buy a new syringe in the package, it is very important. Make sure that the syringe is sterile clean. That is why you should start the procedure immediately after unpacking it. If you don’t – you risk exposing yourself to infection. The syringe should be no more than 5 cc’s – this is enough to give you a good shot. Before each new injection, you should use only a new syringe, even if you are only injecting yourself. Before injecting the drug you should make sure that there is no excess air in the syringe. This is a standard procedure before all the medicines are injected. So, steroids should be injected with a new 5 cc syringe, which should be changed after each injection, while ensuring your own safety and cleanliness.
The next very important point is to determine whether it is better to inject anabolic steroids – in the buttock or biceps?
It all depends on where you are more comfortable with the injections. There are two main places that are designed for these procedures:
- The top of the buttock;
- Delta (biceps)
We suggest that you see clearly where and how to inject steroids correctly in the pictures above.
Please note that steroids should not be injected into a vein! This can lead to a fatal outcome.
Many people are tormented by another question: “When is it better to administer drugs – in the morning or closer to the evening?”. Most of the instructions for drugs do not specify this point because it, in principle, does not matter. What is more important is on which day you give the shot and whether you have set your course schedule correctly.
Some people say that if you have evening training, steroids should be given in the morning. But if you plan to work out in the morning, you should “put” the medicine in the evening. That’s what they say about the male hormone, testosterone. But everything is individual and in order to determine the time of administration of the drug specifically for you, you need to consult a specialist, as well as study the peculiarities of your biological rhythms and training process.
In the following, we will analyze how to administer the drug correctly.
There is a general set of rules that you should follow:
- Wash your hands with soap;
- Prepare everything you need to perform the procedure – needle, drug, cotton wool, alcohol;
- Remove the protective film (case) from the syringe;
- Insert the needle into the bottle;
- A bottle must be turned upside down so that the syringe can be filled with fluid;
- Keep in mind that the amount of liquid must be slightly larger than the amount of liquid that should be used;
- Next, extra air must be vented from the syringe. To do this, knock on it (when the needle is still in the bottle) and if necessary, return the excess liquid with air back into the vial;
- Do not touch the needle with either the body or any foreign objects before the procedure;
- Wipe the injected area with alcohol or vodka (as a last resort);
- Then inject the syringe at a 90-degree angle, injecting the needle deep into muscle tissue;
- If blood appears during the injection, you should remove the needle and choose another place to inject it;
- If there is no blood, you just need to slowly inject it into your muscle;
- After the drug is injected, you should immediately remove the needle and massage the injection area with a clean tampon soaked in alcohol.
So, we’ve figured out the main points about the intramuscular injection. You need to realize that this is a very responsible process. It requires a serious approach and a number of rules.