March 26, 2025
Confetti flying around group celebrating a party

Confetti flying around group celebrating a party with large cake and drinks on table in front of them

As humans, we tend to feel connected. We like to feel appreciated and nurtured. We like to feel, well, loved. From those butterflies in your stomach upon seeing someone your heart wants, to that much-needed hug from a friend or a dear one, love finds a way to affect and influence your life. Not only that, affection in any form tends to make you happy and fulfilled.

However, where love is a channel to express what you feel for someone, it is also a sentiment that needs to be cherished and refreshed. And what better way to do so than with delectable food. I found that out in an interesting way in my seven-year-long (and still going strong) relationship.

So what transpired was that I was in a fix on what to get her on her birthday. Cruising through countless articles online, I couldn’t find the thing that would get the point across. And that’s when it hit me. Why not get a custom cake delivered to her doorstep to surprise her?

It was a perfect idea. I am a foodie, big time, and so is she. What else could be the way to express my affection and tickle her taste buds at the same time? But with her living in the suburbs of Perth and me living in the curves of the city, I was faced with a quandary again. That’s when I got in contact with a birthday cake delivery service and surprised her with the most finger-licking good cake that she ever tasted in Perth.

Here’s my takeaway from the whole experience:

There’s nothing cooler than custom cakes

Move aside chocolate truffle cake. It’s time for something better and much more personal. I figured that a simple cake was to cliché, which is why, while choosing a birthday cake for her, I got the baker to make a cake in the form of a framed picture of her. And of course, the cake got photographed and posted online more than her own pictures. You can never go wrong with customized cakes. It can be in the form of her favorite Game of Thrones character, her favorite animal or her favorite candy bar. And why only her? Even a guy like me would have loved a cake made to look like a kangaroo or my favorite superhero. Couple the cake with a heartfelt note and there are smiles delivered in abundance. P.S. If there are happy tears, you have actually nailed the bullseye.

Know your audience, and the occasion

OK, the people of Perth. I know you are spoilt for choices when it comes to cake delivery. But you have got to plan your cake as per the occasion. It cannot be the same truffle cake for a birthday as well as Valentine’s Day. Try a new twist to keep things fresh. You must try to ascertain what flavor they like. Chocolate, for instance, is an aphrodisiac, a perfect flavor for your special someone. Cheesecake is more on the comforting side, apt for a family celebration. Vanilla, but with heavy cream, can never go wrong when celebrating a promotion or a new car. Pineapple and tiramisu are a perfect cake for a parent’s birthday. And a pro tip, a bottle of fine red wine with a box of cake will breathe vigor into your love life in no time.

Have you tried these?

A little extra effort never hurt anyone, did it? When I sent mi amor a little note carrying her favorite romantic poem, it brought her unlimited joy. Which brings me to my next point – add-ons? A card with a passionate note or just a simple thank you shows that you care about your relationship. And if you have got more dollars to spend, gift them a teddy bear, a bouquet of flowers, a collage of your pictures together, or much better a singing telegram. Yes, birthday cake delivery Perth comes with much more.

So there you go. Now that you know you can let your cake speak for your heart, it is time to get creative. After all, it’s all about love, and then some more (food). Cheers!!

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