Getting a new dog is a fantastic, exciting experience. Whether the new member of the family is a puppy or an adult, it is likely it will take some time for the pup to get used to his or her new home, and will likely require some level of training. There are several important tips to keep in mind when training a new dog or puppy.
1. When training a puppy, remember she’s still a baby. It can be easy to get frustrated when with a puppy, but don’t expect her to behave like an adult. Puppies are playful and curious and are also growing. They’ll learn with time.
2. Keep puppies safe with a puppy-proof home. Remember, puppies like to get into just about everything. Make sure there is nothing dangerous sitting out that a puppy may want to chew or get into. Treat the home in the same way a person would have it safe for a baby.
3. Pay attention to the dog’s body language. Dogs can’t communicate with people directly, but there is a lot that can be learned by how they react to their owner’s tone and body language. Before long, the owner and dog can communicate with each other, often without saying a word.
4. Consider dog training classes. New dog owners may benefit tremendously from some obedience courses or individual courses from a dog trainer Houston to provide lessons on basic ways to treat commands to dogs. These lessons will provide dogs and owners with various exercises to practice at home and reinforce basic commands.
5. Use treats to encourage good behavior. Find out what sort of treats are the dog’s favorite. The dog will respond to these quickly and will make the dog more focused on the lesson at hand. Even with distractions, most dogs will pay attention when there are treats involved. Consider small, soft, easily digestible treats that can be eaten quickly before going onto the next command.
6. Make sure to praise the dog or puppy when she does the right things. Dogs need reinforcement to learn what sorts of behaviors their owner is wanting them to continue. It is important to be very enthusiastic and excited when the dog does a command or performs in a way that she was asked to do. Dogs will respond to this and remember the reaction they received for their behavior. This positive reinforcement will help encourage the behavior to continue.
7. Remember to be patient with the dog, and not to expect everything to happen overnight. If the owner is growing impatient and frustrated, it is likely that the dog may be able to sense this and will not respond as well, as she will be trying to identify the sources of the tension. Instead, take frequent breaks between training sessions so that the dog doesn’t become bored or distracted. If taking courses with a Dog Trainer Houston, practice the lessons regularly without having any individual session go too long.
A well-trained dog is key, both for the happiness of dog and owner and in order to ensure the dog’s safety overall. While training a new dog or puppy can initially seem like a daunting task, it is certainly possible, with patience and dedication, to train any dog to be obedient and to respond to several basic commands. Keeping these tips in mind will help ensure an enjoyable training experience for both the dog and the owner, and many years of companionship to come.