March 26, 2025
Winning the Battle Against Winter via Proper Insulation at Home

Do you remember the Three Little Pigs story? All the drama about the big, bad wolf that “huffs and puffs” to bring houses of scared pigs down can easily make a child stay glued to his seat. It is definitely riveting. But in the real world, there is no big, bad wolf that tears down houses (at least none that we know of). There is, however, winter. And like the atrocious animal antagonist, winter brings destruction that could undermine your precious abode. Worse, the cold, cold weather can prey on you, sabotaging your health and your family.

That’s why making sure your house is as winter-ready as possible is the first order of business. As history has shown us, winter is the worst time of the year. Not only can the cold lower your productivity at home, but it can also jeopardize your family’s health. To keep winter at bay, you need to insulate your home. Find all the holes in your system that’s stealing warmth away. It’s a tall order, alright. But with a little patience and some help, you should be on your way in no time.

The Big Bad Wolf Called Winter

You can complain all summer how hot the sun is. But whether you like it or not, winter is worse. And it’s not just by your own experience. It’s by its overall ill-effects.

When the sweater months set in, snow starts to cover this side of the planet. While a snow-capped house looks like a pretty sight worth a selfie to you, it’s actually a nightmare for everyone living inside.

The result says it all. More people die in winter than in summer. Think about it. CDC data showed, on average, there are over 8,000 Americans who die daily during the winter months of 2019. We’re talking about December to February.

On the other end of the spectrum, summer months from June to August record an average of over 7,000 deaths daily.

What’s the main culprit of these winter deaths? One thing has surfaced. Cold temperature dampens your body’s immune system. When this happens, your ability to fight diseases suffers too. That’s the reason why the flu season always arrives in winter.

Keeping All the Energy In

It’s paramount then that you keep all the warmth inside during the winter. To do that, you need proper insulation from the cold. Think of your house as a hot air balloon. As hot air rises, the balloon rises to the sky. But when the balloon encounters holes, you will go down as hot air escapes.

It’s paramount then that you do away with all the holes in your home that allow warm air to escape outside. When that happens, you could be wasting precious dollars as your heater has to work double-time to keep you warm. Worse, as your abode is less warm, you risk your well-being in the process.

For one, your house openings, mainly your doors and windows, could be drafty. Meaning, these could allow the air to move freely to and fro, inside and outside. And with it, out your warm air goes.

Residential house windows not only add beauty to a home but also play a huge role in bringing all the sunlight in. However, during the winter months, windows tend to have energy leaks.

You need to remedy the situation and fast. To discourage warm air from going out, you can use plastic sheets to add insulation to your windows and doors. Further, you can use foam weatherstripping to insulate around the inside of a door. And as for the draft at your door’s bottom? Draft stoppers should bid you well.

Another key area to insulate is the attic. If you don’t, heat will accumulate there as it rises. In effect, your attic stays warm while your living spaces below stays colder.

To be comprehensive about it, calling an HVAC professional to do an energy audit of your precious abode is wise. With the help of thermal imaging, these experts should be able to zero in on areas in your building where warm air escapes. Consequently, they can check on your heating system and air ducts to ensure the efficient flow of warm air.

One test that will also be very helpful is the blower door test. This will further determine if there are energy leaks in your abode. This is done by using a fan attached to one of your doors while determining the difference between exterior and interior pressure.

There’s no doubt winter is harsh. But that shouldn’t mean your house should be cold inside too. Keeping your precious abode as warm as possible is the order of the day. To do that, you should rid your house of energy holes first and foremost. And so when the heater is up, you can rest easy as your family is safe and sound. ; In the long run, you’ve kept the Big Bad Wolf at bay successfully.

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