October 22, 2024
tiny tiny shop shop

You mastered managing a toddler’s tantrums and proclivities. Your next challenge will be the management of a big kid which is an altogether new matter. Here’s how you can accomplish that.

1. Who is a Big Kid?

A kid between the age of 5 and 8, i.e. between kindergarten and second grade can be called a big kid.

Managing a kid in this age group is important because this is the age of new interests, new milestones, new social requirements, and new academic changes.

2. What Milestones Should You Expect?

The big-kid years are school years and you have to focus less on home issues and more on school issues, academic as well as social.

While at home you can provide her plenty of toys from https://www.tinytinyshopshop.com.au/, books, TV and other fun resources and your love, her school life will be quite different.

At school, your child will learn to develop routines, read, interact with other kids, and live in a totally different place than a home that has a different structure and complex directions.

He will also lose baby teeth and get permanent teeth, undergo continuous muscle development, develop eye-hand coordination further, and get the ability to continue the physical activity for longer.

3. Helping Your Kid Succeed in School

Being in touch with your child’s teacher regularly from the beginning of a school year can be beneficial so as to understand any issues if any in the future and solve it with the help of the teacher.

Even if no issues arise, it’s a good idea to keep in touch with your kid’s teacher so as to keep a track of the kid’s progress, understand her strengths and weaknesses, and find areas where she needs help.

On the home front, you should create a positive homework environment by providing him a clean and well-lit workspace, all necessary resources and supplies, and a stress-free atmosphere.

You should make homework a priority, as completing it will help develop time management, discipline, and problem-solving skills. It will also make him understand better whatever he learned during the day.

Keep away all the distractions from her workspace and during homework time, such as TV, video games and computer.

4. Other Activities Besides Studies

Exploring other interests can highly benefit your child. Even his school may have plenty of extra-curricular activities and you should encourage him to participate in them.

But you should find other resources too such as checking local houses of worship, museums, and other similar institutions if they have events and/or classes your little one would like to attend.

If you have found that your child is interested in drawing and painting and did shop toddler easel at Tiny Tiny Shop Shop, you can further encourage her artistic talent through such events and classes. Music is another activity which children find interesting.  You can download those amazing children songs youtube has to offer, available in both video or audio formats, and encourage your children to sing them for practice and fun.

You should also encourage sports such as football or swimming due to which he will be benefited by increased physical strength.

5. Don’t Overschedule

You have to also be careful about avoiding overscheduling your kid with studies and a lot of other activities that may overwhelm her and won’t offer her even a little space.

Find some time in which she can just relax.

If you can manage your big kid with these tips, it won’t be challenging for you to help your child grow happily.