No doubt most of us associate whale watching with going to a large aquarium like the ones at Sea World to see these large majestic mammals. But nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, seeing whales in captivity isn’t the best way to view them at all. Face it in captivity whales tend to perform for fish and are restricted to pools and aquariums, not exactly the idealistic way to see them. The best way by far is to see them in their natural best 50 usa national parks habitat which is the ocean. Here these large gentle beasts interact with one another.
Reasons For A Whale Watching Holiday
There are reasons why someone would want to take a whale-watching vacation. For some it’s just as simple as wanting to get closer to nature, and to gain a deeper appreciation for the wildlife that inhabit it. Some are into conservation and finding out more about the planet they are living on, perhaps even doing research in marine biology. While others are fascinated by learning more about whales in general. Whatever your own reason maybe these types of tours make for a memorable trip of a lifetime.
Locations Where Whale Watching Takes Place
Whales can be found in all the oceans of the world from the heat of tropical waters to the cold of the Arctic. The reason for this is that there are different species of whales throughout the world and whales are constantly migrating through the oceans. So, it would stand to reason there are numerous places throughout the world where whale tours take place. Some of the main spots in which a person can book a whale watching tours are:
- Oregon Coast
- Maui, Hawaii
- Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska
- Hervey Bay, Australia
- Tonga, Polynesia
- Reunion Island
Keep in mind though that this is just skimming the surface of where whale watching tours take place. The best time of year in which to take a whale watching tour is usually between the latter part of December to around mid April. However, along the Oregon Coast whale watching can take place all year round. Another thing to keep in mind is given the location and climate you choose will determine what type of species of whale you will be seeing.
Types of Whale Watching Tours
Now comes the question when you go on the whale watching tour which one do you want to go on. There is more than one to choose from and each one gives its own unique experience and you’ll want to take your camera along. Maui private whale watching charters are especially amazing. Each of these tours comes with a guide in some cases a trained marine biologist who will give you vital information.
Land: Involves taking a boat trip to a remote location where you can not only view the whales but other forms of wildlife such as rare species of birds. You can walk along the coastline seeing the whales at a distance, taking your time doing so. A more leisurely tour than some of the others.
Research: The ideal tour for those studying marine biology. You actually become part of a crew of a boat contributing to the chores and to the research being done. Not an actual vacation as an actual experience to know what such research entails.
Live Aboard: Perhaps one of the most intense of the tours. Perhaps this has to do with the fact that guests actually become immersed in sea life. The tour takes them far away from shore to where they will see not only whales migrating in their herd but other types of marine life.