October 22, 2024
extra cheap rubbish removal

What did you throw away today? Do you even remember? Trash is not something we’d usually think about daily. It’s shocking, the amount of garbage we throw away daily. Some hire a rubbish removal team like on https://extracheaprubbishremoval.com.au/locations/marrickville/ to take care of their trash. While others rely on weekly pick up of garbage in the neighborhood.

Here are a few facts that would surprise you about garbage:

1. If every garbage truck filled annually were placed in a straight line, it would cover half the distance to the moon roughly 120,000 miles.

2. An average college student contributes 640 pounds of solid waste every year.

3. Nowadays, communities focus on waste management more than school projects, libraries, parks, etc.

4. The only place on Earth that is almost free from hazardous waste in Antarctica. They do not tolerate military activities, mineral mining, and nuclear activities.

5. One recycled plastic bottle saves enough energy to run a 100W bulb for 4 hours.

6. Burning plastic needs twice as much energy than recycling it.

7. Over 11 million tons of recyclable clothing materials go to landfills each year.

8. Motor oil is recyclable after a long time use it only gets dirty.

9. The top 5 leading countries in recycling are Switzerland, Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, and Norway. The company https://extracheaprubbishremoval.com.au/locations/rockdale/ comes from Australia; rubbish collected from their clients are often recycled.

10. 9 out of 10 people say they would recycle but never do.

11. Women are more likely to recycle than men.

12. An average plastic water bottle takes 500 years to decompose fully.

13. Making 1.5 million tons of plastic could also power up 250,000 homes

14. Plastic is the main threat to ocean problems.

15. Over 100,000 aquatic animals die yearly due to plastic pollution in the ocean.

16. It takes 4,000 years for glass bottles to decompose.

17. Glass and aluminum can be recycled for a lot of countless times.

18. Making one new aluminum can use up the same amount of energy to make 20 new cans when recycling.

19. Recycled glass is 95{9aec2f3753136e72632b4743edb3bd445b461a73e7aee1730978bb7c413976bd} of the time, a substitute for raw materials.

20. 80{9aec2f3753136e72632b4743edb3bd445b461a73e7aee1730978bb7c413976bd} of recovered glass containers are re-melted and used to make new glass containers.

21. Making new paper from recycled materials consumes less energy than making a brand new paper.

22. For every ton of paper, 390 gallons of oil is used.

23. Saving 390 gallons of oil, 17 fully grown trees, a large spot in the landfill means sacrificing producing 1 ton of paper

24. 65{9aec2f3753136e72632b4743edb3bd445b461a73e7aee1730978bb7c413976bd} of household trash is from packagings.

25. Diaper disposal costs almost $350 million annually.

26. Disposable diapers decompose after 300 years.

27. One-third of the food produced worldwide is wasted annually.

28. If one-fourth of wasted food annually could be saved, it can feed 870 million people.

29. More than 14 billion pounds of garbage is thrown into the ocean yearly.

30. Roughly 50 million tons of electronic waste is produced yearly.

31. On average, a baby will use 6,000 disposable diapers before learning to use a toilet bowl.

32. In World War I, there were salvaged metal scraps from body armors enough to build two warships.

33. Crayons do not decompose. Some companies accept old crayons for recycling.

34. A 15-year-old tree can produce on 700 grocery bags.

35. During anaerobic processes a major greenhouse gas whose impact is 25 times greater than carbon dioxide which is, methane gas.

Final Word

Throwing trash in the bin is as effortless as blinking your eyes. That’s why it’s so easy for us to neglect the fact that garbage problems and pollution is a real crisis and threat to the environment.