October 23, 2024
Femdom Dating

Sensitive or submissive men are very different from normal ones in their behavior. Many of the dating rules don’t apply to them at all and much of what you thought you knew about men won’t work when dating them.

I can’t tell you if there are more sensitive men nowadays than in the past. It is most likely that more men are allowing themselves to be openly sensitive and vulnerable. It used be clear-cut that men should not show signs of weakness or vulnerability to anyone, but in modern times (fortunately), many men have managed to emancipate themselves from those social expectations, and I think it’s wonderful.

This is the new and unique trend in the dating world known as femdom dating, or in more specific words we say The “Female Domination Dating”.

Let’s take a look at some of the benefits and challenges in dating this kind of man. I’ll do my best to look at it from both the male and the female perspective, but please bear with me if I don’t do everyone justice.

Who Are Submissive Men?

I’m particularly talking about men who wish to take on a more submissive role in their dating relationships with women. They don’t mind a woman taking charge and making many of the decisions. In fact, they love it. They look for women who will ‘wear the trousers’ in their household. Submissive men are attracted to strong and self-confident women who likewise enjoy holding the reins.

There are varying degrees of submissiveness in men, though. Some will want to take it very far and basically hand over all the decision making to their girlfriends. They seek a kind of gender role reversal from what used to be normal in the stereotypical 1950s family. But there are very few men of this kind and I’ve never personally met one that really wants this. Some may fantasize about it, but that is another story.

Most of those men that you’d call submissive ideally want a mix between having a woman tell them what to do and having certain areas where they make the decisions. For example, many such men will still be the main breadwinner in their family.

So there are very many different types of submissive men, but most of them do have a number of traits in common which I’ll look into next.

How to Date a Sensitive Man

Don’t approach them like other guys. If you like submissive men, you’ll have noticed by now that things don’t work the way they used to in the dating game. Going to dating advice pages or relationship experts is usually futile because they are geared towards a typical kind of male behavior that you probably won’t find in submissive men. They are a completely different animal. They think and feel differently from the regular guys and this means that you have to deal with them in another way.

You have to take charge. Most women who are attracted to submissive men will have a dominant side to them. One complaint I’ve heard and read a lot from these types of women is that there are no submissive men. They get many guys approaching them claiming to be submissive, but once the relationship gets going, they don’t want to have the woman take charge at all. I can imagine this happening all the time. Their mistake is that they’re still thinking like prey.

Be aware of men who claim to be submissive. In dating submissive men, you must change your approach. You are now the hunter and he is the prey. Don’t sit there waiting for someone to pick you up because that’s already giving up control and letting someone else take charge. The kind of men who have approached you are the hunters, so it’s perfectly logical that they won’t be truly submissive. They may have said that they like strong women who are in charge and they might even believe it themselves (imagining something like, “Wouldn’t it be awesome if she was in charge?”) but it’s unlikely that it will last beyond the honeymoon.

You need to become a hunter. You know what kind of man you want. So go and find him and just pick him up like the trophy he is. The truly submissive men are out there waiting for you. Of course, it’s still far from foolproof, but it’s an angle you should try. That leads to the obvious question of where to find your targets. Well, that’s a little bit like asking, “Where do I find kind people?” It’s easier to answer where you won’t find them.

Visit different locations to meet men. They are unlikely to be found where regular guys like to hang out. This is because such men generally prefer to mix with women or other sensitive men. It’s not that they don’t also go to bars and clubs, but when they’re there, they’ll probably put on a front to appear confident and strong.

Keep in mind that sensitive or submissive guys tend to be shy. Parties and clubs may not be the best place to meet them. Best way to find submissive guys is to join genuine female domination dating sites like subs-and-doms.com. There are lots of dating sites specifically dedicated to this category.

Tips for Dating a Submissive Man

Here are some things to keep in mind when you are in a relationship with a submissive man.

Take the reigns. A sensitive man will have expectations of you. A big one you must meet is taking charge most of the time. You have to be honest with yourself if this is something you can do. If not, then dating a submissive man may not be your cup of tea.

Treat him as an equal. Being dominant does not mean you can lack respect for your man. He is still a human with feelings that should be treated as an equal in your relationship. You should get to know of any boundaries or limits early in your relationship.

Be a good listener. Being open and vulnerable may be challenging for a guy. Always here them out, and make them feel comfortable in knowing they can talk to you.

Be open about your feelings. A sensitive guy will know something is wrong without you telling him. Being open with him will let him know that you trust him. Remember that he will likely lower his guard around you, so he will appreciate the same.