October 22, 2024
What can be included in the representation service

What can be included in the representation service

A tax lawyer in the United States solves a wide range of tasks. We will describe the most requested cases.

The fresh start IRS periodically mails taxpayers requests by mail, requiring a written response within the notice period. As a rule, it is required not only to answer the question exhaustively but also to collect a package of documents confirming the official answer of the company.

Change of company details:

Do you want to change the company name, organizational form, or registration address? To do this, you will definitely need to notify several official services at once, including the IRS, in the form prescribed by law. If you want us to fully control all related bureaucratic procedures, leave a request for a consultation.

Settlement of tax debt:

Of course, the best solution to debt elimination is to pay it in full. But the protracted pandemic and lockdown are helping to make the need to compromise with the fresh start IRS and settle your debts become a sought-after service. A tax relief professional can represent your company in order to obtain a deferment or arrange a gradual repayment schedule.

A compromise offer is a complex legal process that requires paperwork, an extensive list of IRS requirements, and the ability to negotiate. Not all companies can get a compromise offer, but your chances of success will be higher as the more experienced and qualified person will represent you.

Contact a tax relief professional so that he can advise you on your options for settling your US tax debt. The appeal of fines. The US tax system is very complex, and the bureaucracy that serves it is extensive. As a result, you may face tax claims that are due to an error, or penalties and interest that you consider unfair. Tax attorneys can help you file an appeal to eliminate or substantially reduce your penalty.

Penalty appeals in the United States are filed with the fresh start IRS Appeals Division and, in complex cases, are referred to a US federal court. In some cases, our lawyer may recommend that you go to court immediately, bypassing the appeal stage.

Each case is different, but in general, the outcome of the appeals process is usually favorable provided that your appeal has objective and impartial grounds.